Saturday, November 24, 2007

the great american novela

Adriana and Eduardo are seperated by everything that could possibly pull apart two lovers. social status, friends, culture and 100 years of family history have divided them. Can their love conquer all? Can they find each other and keep one another despite all the forces that fight to disunite them?

Adriana is torn between pleasing her father, the man she calls her hero and following her heart into the arms of a man her father has vowed to hate forever. Will he disown his only daughter if she chooses Eduardo?

Eduardo is reckless and relentless in his passion for Adriana and will do anything to have her. He swore his love to her once when they were just children and he will die before he breaks his promise to marry her.

Monday, November 12, 2007

for Judah and Anna Sophia

get up, get up, get up
it's morning time
time to brush your teeth and comb your hair
get up, get up, get up
we've got lots to do and all our toys to share

it's morning time
the sun is out
the day is bright
so open up your eyes

jump out of bed and stretch real high
find your clothes and underwear
run fast now to find your shoes
can you remember where they are?

time to eat and start the day
time to play and learn our abc's
give dad a kiss and send him off to work
give mom a hug and plan your lovely day

it's morning time
my favorite time

it's morning time
the sun is out
the day is bright
so open up your eyes


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Purls from Proverbs - 1

Key Verses - Proverbs 1:2-7

The beginning of knowledge is the fear of the Lord. The beginning of knitting is picking out just the right yarn for your project. Many times our intentions are pure as we step inside the local craft or yarn shop.

"I need to get some yarn for the scarf/shawl/blanket/socks...I want to make for So-and-So" we say with a convincing tone to our husband or children or whatever unsuspecting friend who happens to be along for the ride.

But as we step into the aisles bursting with texture and color and potential, our intentions are suddenly forgotten. The wool yarn that is on sale for half price is perfect! Not for the project we are currently working's perfect for...something! We begin to rub our fingers and faces and various other body parts against the yarns, imagining what each ball could be.

Something that was a simple enough task has turned into a tug-of-war between colors, thickness, texture, and price. We find ourselves scanning each aisle several times, picking up yarns over and over and passersby raise their eyebrows as we suddenly stop mid-stride in the walkway to think over our current selections and get lost in our crafty thoughts. Sometimes all we need to do is just focus.


"What did I come here for?" you ask yourself after thirty minutes of piling skeins into your basket. Or maybe your focus is snapped into attention by the road weary passengers we have dragged along on this "quick little trip".

It is easy to lose our focus when so many pretty things surround us.

In Proverbs, Solomon tells us exactly why we need to have focus. He tells us why we need to pull out our Bibles each day and focus on the words it speaks to us. It is for wisdom and discipline, to understand the insights of those who are wise. Proverbs teach us to live orderly and successful lives, to help us do what is right, just and fair. Even those who are simple can gain insight and the youngest and most naive among us can increase their awareness. Of course, those who already have wisdom are certainly in store for more of it within the pages of Proverbs.

Reading and reflecting upon God's Word takes discipline, just like any knitting project. Each stitch requires your focus and you must continue to work on it to get to the finished product. Sweaters don't make themselves.

Many times I have dropped a stitch while quickly glancing up at the television or looking to see where my toddler has wandered off to. Sometimes I put my needles down to answer the phone of pick up my crying baby only to discover upon my return that several of the stitches have pulled out. But when I focus on what I'm doing and follow the instructions I'm given, I am rewarded with a beautiful piece of work.

This life takes focus. If we pay attention to the "instructions" given to us by our Father and become doers of His Word we will be rewarded as well with wisdom and will be presented before God as a beautiful piece of work ourselves...without any dropped stitches or holes!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

when he taps

there are moments in life when you suddenly take a look around and realize that things are good. that no matter what is taking place, the universe is under control and you love your life.

it happens when you are driving in the car, shopping in the store or sitting at home around the dinner table. for some reason you suddenly think, "i love my husband" or "i love my kids" or "things are good". you don't know where the thought came from, it usually leaves just as soon as it comes or the moment is broken by conversation or other thoughts.

it happens during the tough times when the world seems so messed up. when we feel like we are going to lose. he taps us and suddenly we think, "i'm okay. it's going to be okay."

in those moments, he is tapping us on our shoulder. his spirit is welling up inside of us and we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are just fine. things are at peace. everything is going to be okay.

he taps to remind us that he is here. right here where we are and in the midst of everything we do and go through. he is here.

when he taps i hope we remember to respond. to say thanks. to realize that we don't have to know the answer, we don't have to know how to fix it, we don't have to know why the blessings come or why the problems don't seem to go away.

we just have to know that he is tapping us and he is here.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Purls from Proverbs

I am working on my first devotional book entitled "Purls from Proverbs". Purling is a technique used in knitting and I have found many illustrations from learning to knit that can be used for spiritual application. So I'm taking the 31 Proverbs and focusing on a few scriptures in each for a small devotional book for knitters and crafters and really just anyone.

I'm on my second Proverb and will soon be posting each "Purl" as I edit them and get them out of rough draft. It's my first big project so pray for me! :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


a boy came down every friday giggling his innocent jingles, kindness like marmalade never offending people, quite refreshing sang the underage voice with x-ceptional youthy zeal

ha! i couldn't think of anything besides xylophone for x...
well that was fun and wierd. just something random to try.