she was holding his imagination hostage. she filled his every thought. his mind was not his own and her face appeared even with his every blink. he tried to occupy his days with work and distractions meant to require his full attention. but they never helped. he would find himself standing in the middle of the room, immersed in deep thoughts of her laugh and smile and the way her lips curled ever so slightly when she was amused. he loved that look and he loved it even more when he was the one who put it there.
he sighed heavily and sat down for a moment. he may never see that smile again. he rubbed his temples with his hand as he thought of their last moments together. she was so jubilant to receive her acceptance to the university and he was happy for her, he truly was. but he was full of sorrow and regret for himself. he hadn't spoken up when the time was right. he hadn't told her how her presence lifted his soul to a place of total happiness and he felt his brightest and best every time she was near. he felt brave when he approached her to speak and felt like a chivalrous knight each time he offered his assistance.
he never told her that. he simply wished her well and promised to write. but he never did that either. in the four years since he had last seen her he had never sent her a letter. she sent him plenty of letters in the beginning and he savored each one but his attempts to reply always faltered. he couldn't get through a single paragraph without wishing he could write about how fiercely he loved her and wanted her to return to him immediately. but she was not his to make such demands upon and this angered him more than anything. he sunk further and further into self-loathing thoughts until he crumpled each letter up and threw it into the fire.
and now she was finally coming home.
This is and old, saved post I never published from 2012. I needed this
today. ~ Sam I like adventure. I like trying new restaurants. I like doing
new thing...